About Us
Our organization has carried out the following activities based on our "philosophy, beliefs, and missions" aiming to help people live healthy and comfortable lives through diet, by widely disseminating the benefit of "fucoidan" which is a high molecular polysaccharide, extracted from seaweed (brown algae). Fucoidan is said to have a natural healing power (immunity) activation component.
Specified Nonprofit Activities
Activities to enhance health, medical care or welfare services / Activities to enhance social education / International cooperation activities
Our organization has been conducting activities to enhance health, medical or welfare services, activities to enhance social education, international cooperation activities, and others.
We have participated in or sponsored events which are organized by various organizations.
Various projects
●Projects related to specific non-profit activities
1.Conducting research and development and providing advice, enlightenment, awareness, education and counseling related to a natural healing power activation component "fucoidan"
2.Providing advice, enlightenment, awareness, education and counseling related to the use of "fucoidan" as a mean to enhance innate healing power
Our researchers have been conducting the latest biotechnology research on "fucoidan" on a daily basis at various research centers centering on national universities. Further, clinical studies have been conducted at hospitals centering on Matsuzaki Memorial Hospital, and the number of successful cases has been steadily increasing. We also publicly disclosed our activities and research outcomes on our website, as well as media including newspapers and TV broadcasting.
●Profit-making projects
1.Conducting research, measurement and clinical information on fucoidan-related products
2.Conducing market research, surveys and statistics, etc.
We have conducted projects, which include holding lectures on "fucoidan" and quality evaluations of "fucoidan" related products.